Monday, June 18, 2012


Hallo, followers, none of whom I'm sure are reading this blog. (But that's okay because I love you all anyways. *smiley face*)

It's summer, and that is a pony (Pinkiepie, to be exact). Normally, I'd be in her position partying and all...on my laptop...BUT THEN LIFE HAPPENS.

Okay, well, I don't mean life. What I mean is that every time I sit in front of the computer, I want to use my Woman-Multitasking Powers to - duh - multitask, but then my brain's like, "NOPE. YOU ARE GOING TO  STARE AT THIS BRIGHT SCREEN UNTIL YOUR EYEBALLS BURST."

And I'm like, "NO! I am going to write a story because I know I have good ideas! [insert motivation here]"

Then my brain - oh, clever, clever brain - is like, "Oh, you want to write a story? That's fine. Here are a [brace yourself if you avoid crude language] shit-ton of ideas, so you just go on and put them all together!"


In a more concise statement, I'm basically spitting an idea into my computer every few minutes, only to read over it and shake my head shamefully because I want to know the story all ready and I am impatient. BUT, of course, for those ideas, the story will come in time.

Normally, I'd ramble some more because I have an idea that I actually hope will work because it is ACTUALLY pretty funny and cohesive, but I'm not going to because - to put it without revealing anything - I have points A and C but not B. While I figure out Point B, though, here is a cabbage:

Monday, April 9, 2012


Spring Break's almost over...makes me sad.

But that's okay! At least we had a break, and since there were no snow days and school's ending early - well, that's always good. :)

I don't know what I'm doing, so I'll just end it here and ask about your spring breaks. ^3^

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Have a Laugh...

...and watch our script.

There will probably be edits made later to make things make more sense...but we'll see. In the meanwhile, tell us what you think!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

And this is why 2012 is the apocalypse...

Mmmmkay, so Saturday was the Science Fair. Guess who won first place?

Estmund: You?
Me: Yup.

And I am NOT happy about it.


I am unhappy because Science Fair has sucked all the sleep out of me like how Twilight sucks out people's souls. If you actually like Twilight and want your soul sucked out by it, then make that simile like how Edward sucks blood from bears. Or something.
I am SO hilarious.

ANYWAYS, I don't want to go to regionals because I am SICK of science fair. Then again, I kind of deserved it because I actually tried my best on my presentation and somehow got rewarded for it.
Damn my intelligence.

Now is this blog going to be a rant? YES. THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT THIS IS.

It's ironic because last year, the experiment I did with a partner (I was alone this year) was about hydroelectric dams, and it was all super-impressive and stuff because I actually cared. This year, I literally just stuffed batteries in a fan and watched the fan spin for a little less than a total of 72 hours, and there was little research done on the experiment I did, so I kinda had no idea what I was doing. Then I was just like, "I don't care about working on my presentation/backboard. I'm just going to do the paper because the paper is ACTUALLY FOR A GRADE."

And despite my lack of work this year in comparison to last year, I WON FUCKING FIRST PLACE. IT MAKES NO SENSE.

I should be going to sleep now.

On another note, I went shopping today...

...and actually used my debit card for the first time.
I didn't spend a crapload of $, so I am happy.

Monday, January 30, 2012

If You Read the Last Blog...

...and were scared shitless of the Ao Oni, watch this video (that PewDiePie made). Trust me; you'll feel...better.

I'm an ADULT

This little story begins yesterday.

SO yesterday, I was multitasking: working on my final science fair paper (and getting confused by the instructions) while watching Hetalia and PewDiePie's Let's Plays. For those of you who don't know, Hetalia is a show that is not only hilarious and adorable but also educational, because it basically gets world history and personifies the countries involved. It's AWESOME. PewDiePie is a user on the YouTubes who plays incredibly horrifying videogames, has a statue named Stephano that speaks with a French(ish) accent, and screams at barrels. I finally subscribed to him last night, which makes me an official BRO. :D

ANYWAYS, the video series I was watching of PewDiePie was him playing the videogame Ao Oni (Blue Demon/Purple Troll/Blue Troll/Purple Demon), which I thought was a totally harmless videogame until I found myself unable to sleep at five in the morning because I thought that every shadow/noise in my house was the Ao Oni.

So then I asked myself a very good question: "Why do I love these videos so much when I know they keep me up at night?" Then - WITHOUT the aid of the voices in my head - I responded to myself with this huge lecture about how the young people love to be a-scared of things.

And that was when I decided that I didn't have the capacity to mature.

The next day (today), I FINALLY activated my debit card and got access to my bank account. It involved me stuttering on the phone as an automated voice asked me to repeat a bunch of numbers with me responding, "I DON'T KNOW WHAT NUMBERS YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT!!" Not only do I now have a fear of automated voices on telephones, but I also learned that adults have overly quantitative lives. It made me sad to realize that numbers are the center of our existence, which then made me think of I, Robot, and how the robot inventors were able to quantify such bonds and emotions as obedience and loyalty in the form of the Three Laws of Robotics.

All that's left for me to be an "official" adult is to get my permit, which I probably won't get until summer because I'm lazy like that/I want to be focused on studying for school for the rest of the school year BEFORE freaking out about driving.

I have strange thoughts, which is an understatement.

If you've become suddenly interested in PewDiePie, look up PewDiePie amnesia on YouTube and watch. If you've become interested in Hetalia, WATCH IT.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Ooh La La...A BACKSTORY (That May or May Not Continue)

After many failed attempts of trying to type a creative blog without backspacing ANYTHING and without looking at the keyboard, Zetsa has been institutionalized. Her final words were the following: "I AM VERY AGN ANGRY AT COMPUTERS BECAUSE THEY MAKEME MAKE ME ANGRY!!! I X I CAN'T TYPE LIKE THIS!!!" XP

Ah, poor girl...but she deserved it.

Now, reader of this blog, you might be wondering, "Who is the person typing this blog in Zetsa's place? Will this typer's sense of humor be similar to Zetsa's? Why do I even care about this blog in the first place?"
The answer to the first question is that my identity is classified. Zetsa knows very well who I am, and she does not particularly enjoy my company. I haven't spoken to her in ages...
No, my sense of humor is entirely different from Zetsa's. She enjoys mundane subjects such as Alots from a blog called Hyperbole and a Half and a stupid anime called Hetalia. I, on the other hand, enjoy less facetious forms of humor. Similarities in my trials of experimentation make me laugh. My success makes me laugh. Watching Zetsa torture herself draws a hearty chuckle out of me, which is why I smile every single day.

What am I doing here, you may ask? I am glad you did ask, reader. (No one ever asks.) My mission is...not entirely classified. Power is my objective, though not the kind of power of which you may be thinking. Thanks to my suprising travels and meticulous experiments, I have learned a great deal about science, and I do not mean that I have discovered the cure to a disease or ascertained the equation of some astrophysical phenomenon. I refuse to disclose what I have found, but my discovery definitely leads to me gaining power.

And as you may have guessed, Zetsa is one of my experiments.